Who are we?

Learn who we are?


We are the United Disciples of Jesus Christ. 

We are followers of Jesus Christ who follow after the pattern of his first Disciples (The apostles) Who were handpicked, Trained by Jesus himself and saw him face to face. These men, Jesus sent into all the world to make disciples and teach them what Jesus had taught them. Today we carry on this legacy, and His Commandment to “make disciples of all nations.”

Our Foundation


All of our beliefs are based solely on the Scriptures. We believe nothing should be added to them nor taken away from them. It is the word of God, and it is perfect! In them we find Guidance and instruction to live our lives in a way pleasing in God’s sight. Jesus said that on the last day we will be judged by his word. As a church our Goal is to align our lives with the word of God. The word of God is our final authority! 

Our Conviction


We also believe in being united as a family and being there for one another so that no one ever feels left out! Everybody matters, and as we move towards our purpose and destiny we want to make sure no one is left behind, because everyone matters.

What we do?


We anoint with oil for divine healing. We allow the operation of the spiritual gifts. We pray together out loud. We lift our hands in praise. We sing with all our hearts. We play musical instruments. We clap and shout unto God. We dance in the spirit. We testify publicly. We lay hands on people to pray for them to receive God’s Holy Spirit. 

Upcoming Events

Jerry Jones

“When we come to Jesus, We are coming to our savior. There is no one too far out from the mercy of God and no sin that is beyond His grace!”

James L Kilgore

"My theme to this generation has always been: Climb higher, Dig deeper, and reach further then ever before. Prayer is the key!”

Lee Stoneking

“The world says, “prove it and I’ll believe it.”
But God says “ Believe it and I’ll prove it.”