Our True purpose for living can only be found in God. He is the whole reason why we exist. The bible teaches us that we were made by God and for God, but we have accepted sin into our lives and that has separated us from Him. Sin separates Man from God. God is light and darkness cannot be where he is. But God being the loving and merciful God that he is, Had a plan to reunite us with Him. God being a just judge must judge according to what is true and cannot allow our sins to remain unpunished.

He is the Judge of all the earth and must bring justice. So God did something Shocking… Brace yourself; what I’m about to share with you has the power to change your life!
Are you ready?

Ok. This is what He did: God came to this earth in a human body as the man Jesus Christ, lived a Sinless life, and suffered and died in our place!

He exchanged places with us! He took our death sentence and gave us his freedom.
Although He was innocent and we were guilty, He traded places with us, so that
He wouldn’t have to punish us.

Like a person that says, “let him Go”, “take me instead”. He died to take our sins away, so that we could be reunited with God. Jesus built the church to help others reunite with God, to help them grow in their new relationship with God.

The bible says “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,
but encouraging one another” Give us a chance to help you be reunited with God, Find purpose and experience the most exciting, fulfilled, purpose filled life there is.

Ask us about being born again; you wont regret that you did.
Join us this Sunday as we come to worship God, Hear His word, and experience His

And if you have already been born again, come and help us as we answer the call to
reach this lost and dying world!
We can’t do it alone. We need your help.

– Pastor Josue Acevedo

Frequently Asked Questions

What time are your services?

As of Now we are holding our Spanish services on Sundays
at 6:00 Pm, and Our English services Tuesdays at 7:30 Pm.

Is there anything for my Children?

Absolutely! We have a children’s class that begins shortly after the worship service, while the main service is going on. We provide Snacks and drinks for the children and the children always have a great time!

What does the building look like?

Click here to view.

“We are on the right side of the building!”

What should I wear?

Come as you are! When you visit us on a Sunday evening you will find people in everything from casual clothing to suits on Sundays. Come, as you feel comfortable.

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    Your question